Sunday, April 4, 2010

music. no prescription necessary. ♫

For some reason... music just speaks to me and I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but my life would seriously not be worth living without it. If I had to make the choice between being deaf and being blind, my sight would be first to go. Because to me there is just something so meaningful and stunningly beautiful about music. It's an escape unlike any other. An escape which opens your mind and your soul without incapacitating it in any way or form. It seems somewhat magical, music. If you think about it scientifically, its just a series of sounds, thats all. Yet, somehow, music has the ability to evoke emotion unlike anything else. It can produce memories and change attitudes. In all actuality, music is the wonder drug, the ultimate healer of all emotional ailments.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Humanity of belief.

There are times in this world where I just feel in-human. Where I sit and wonder to myself if I was ever meant to be here. A human is by definition "of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people", but what is the nature of people? I sit here. in my dorm, a girl with no drive or motivation to continue in my life. How can I be considered essential to the human race if I lack the main goal of it: to survive? Its seems somewhat tragic for a life to be wasted on someone as such but here I am, living, breathing, thinking, and with no path ahead of me and no future planned. Here I am as well with complete love and faith in people when they have given me no reason to otherwise have it. Perhaps what keeps us human is belief, and no I don't mean in a higher power, but just to believe. Maybe it's when we lose our ability to believe we no longer see as humans do. Maybe its when we have run out of things to give credence to, we can no longer truly live. Humanity is a topic that will never cease to bring up questions, so why is it that the more we ask the less we know? Maybe we just need to let go and believe.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Awoken, but not awake.

Recently, I haven't been quite the same. And who can blame me in a world as such. A world where people care more about themselves then the well being of a friend. A world where the newest technological advance is a type of computer making socialization even more obsolete than an advance that actually, i dont know... advances the population. It seems we as a human race are beginning to lose what indeed makes us human. While we still live and breathe are we really fulfilling anything meaningful in life? Where are the days when presidents were looked up to not criticized on late night television? Where are the days when boys scouts would walk the old woman across the street, not rip her off with over priced popcorn? I'm just finding it hard to continue my faith in this world as each day passes. Are we as people worthy of life?

Insomnia. opens the mind.